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Kredeum NFTs DAPP inside Wordpress

WordPress admin page listing your NFTs

We integrate Kredeum DAPP (same than one found here in your Wordpress, just click on NFTs > NFTs Kredeum:

As on the public Kredeum DAPP, you can :

  1. List all your NFTs, filtered by collections on the selected blockchain networks

  2. Create your custom NFT collections

  3. Create your NFTs

  4. View and sell your NFT on OpenSea by clicking on SELL NFT button

  5. Access the NFT on IPFS by clicking on the image

AND you can also:

  1. Copy a shortcode you can add in Wordpress posts / pages to redirect easily user to your NFT OpenSea page. For this, please click on "Share" button then "COPY NFT SHORTCODE"

Note you can also copy the COLLECTION SHORTCODE also.

Last updated